Love, Coffee, and Happy Planet.

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     Santa Martha Cafe mission is to work with importers who are conscious about how the green Coffee beans are grown, harvested and shipped. Our love of coffee pulls on our hearts for people who grow the coffee. Therefore, desiring them to receive a fair market value. Then, they are able to invest in better coffee and planet practices.

    Santa Martha Cafe Roastery loves small batch roasting achieving the best natural flavor of the Coffee beans and the growing region. Out of respect for our planet, we also purchase trees in coffee growing regions to help offset the carbon produced during the roasting process.

    All these things are taken into consideration of bag pricing so you can love the community too. Every purchase helps a local coffee-growing community: Improve medical resources and lifestyle; Stimulates the financial community; Improves educational opportunities; Understanding of water conservation, contaminated soils, diseased and pest-infested trees/plants. By loving these coffee regions, we hope to see continued coffee and happy planet improvements.

Nicaragua Feild


Our first love would be coffee. Coffee started
as family love for us, it meant slowing down,
sitting, sipping and chatting after supper or
church with a sweet treat. Then as we married, making our own family, coffee love expanded to include our community and new friends, but it
still meant slowing down, sitting, sipping and learning loving each other. Now because we
have developed this large community around
coffee, our love grows to the next stage of loving
the farmers, their land and families.

Medium Roast Coffee


Love grows into passion. We are passionate
about coffee, the beauty of the bright-red
cherries, the clean smell of green beans,
watching the transformation while roasting
of those beans, to yellow, to caramel, to that beautiful coffee color and smell that makes one gasp. Because of this passion, many hours are spent developing flavor profile for each single origin bean to bring out all of that bean's awesomeness. However, before that can
happen, we traveled to Nicaragua and
expanded our love to include the farmers
and the desire to help them get a fair price
through educating with better growing, water
and rain forest conservation and business practices.

Nicaragua Feild

Happy Planet

Love grows passion, and passion opens to
the reality of the system. Because coffee is a commodity and grown in parts of the world
that are underprivileged the growers, and
planet are taken advantage of. We here at
SMC are networking with organization that
takes this issue up and works on being
committed to facing these real-life issues
to help change the direction that we have
been heading. We are buying trees that
get planted in these regions to help with sequestering carbon and reforesting the
rainforest. We also source our beans
through direct trade or working with import/exports that are transparent
with us about their involvement with the

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One Tree Planted          Carbon Negative/One Tree Planted           One Tree Planted

Protect Your Coffee Supply Chain With Trees

     It is estimated that by the year 2050, a large portion of the land currently available for coffee will no longer be suitable for production. As global temperatures rise, coffee will seek cooler climates at higher elevations, increasing the potential for deforestation.

It’s time to face this problem head-on. TOGETHER.


Did you know Coffee Causes Climate Change?

     Did you know that your favorite morning pick-me-up directly contributes to climate change? For every pound of coffee brewed, 11 pounds of carbon are produced as the beans journey from the field to your cup. This is an industry-wide issue that we are committed to doing something about.

We purchase trees that are planted in the coffee growing region in Guatemala and Tanzania. 

Basically, every 4th bag of coffee roasted by SMC buys a tree. 

Thank you for your help in reducing our carbon footprint.

trees planted so far.
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